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Empowering Potential Elevating Success

See how MEDA helped three entrepreneurs turn their potential into success. Your donation will further our mission of helping entrepreneurs succeed.


The Providing Resources & Opportunity & Maximizing Investments in Striving Entrepreneurs (PROMISE) Loan Program, is a state-funded program that provides loans to small businesses located in specific, designated areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

ManagementTrusted business advising that positions businesses to growLearn More

Business Consulting

Trusted business advisors that help position small business owners for growth

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Money Loan products designed with business success in mindlearn more

Commercial Lending

Loan products designed with underserved business success in mind

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MarketsConnection to government and corporate contracts change the gamelearn more

Contract Opportunities

Connect to public and private contracts that change the game for small businesses

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Ready to get started?

Let MEDA help you accelerate your business.

A Bigger Vision


Beyond Borders

Create thriving communities through equal economic participation.

Together, we can grow MEDA to serve as a national best-in-class organization and go-to resource that is fiercely accountable to our mission of helping underserved entrepreneurs succeed.

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 Powered by

New delivery and revenue models

New delivery and revenue models

Research, policy, and advocacy

Research, policy, and advocacy

Potential for longer-term M&A to enable scale

Potential for longer-term M&A to enable scale

Improvements in technology, organization, and marketing infrastructure

Improvements in technology, organization, and marketing infrastructure

Increased individual and team accountability to metrics and goals

Increased individual and team accountability to metrics and goals

Loan capital and philanthropy

Loan capital and philanthropy

Want to help make an impact?

Business volunteers can leverage their expertise to help underserved entrepreneurs grow & scale their business.

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About MEDA

MEDA was founded in 1971 with the mission of Helping BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Entrepreneurs Succeed. Our founders believed wealth creation is key to creating racial economic equity and that successful BIPOC Entrepreneurship is the clearest path to creating wealth. MEDA fulfills its mission by providing integrated, wrap-around services in the three areas all entrepreneurs need to succeed: Management Education, Money, and Market. In our first fifty years, MEDA has served more than 25,000 BIPOC Entrepreneurs.